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If depression has brought you to your knees, Knock Out Depression will be your cornerman. We can help you to come back punching and feel like you again.

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Boxing championship belt character representing knocking out depression
Inspirational boxing quote for people with depression featuring Tyson Fury

When depression knocks you down, you feel like you aren't yourself anymore...

Everything is a struggle. You forget what happiness feels like. You long to be able to smile and laugh again. To feel alive again.

Like the boxing ring, it is a very lonely place, and you can feel terrified, lost and without hope. You may not know what is happening to you, or where to turn for help.

It doesn't have to be this way.

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With  Knock Out Depression you don't fight alone

We are your cornerman, offering hope and helping you to:

  • Knock out stigma, by challenging the myths and misconceptions that can make you beat yourself up and feel ashamed to struggle
  • Know the opponent and how it affects you, and recognise that depression is not a weakness, a character flaw - or any other such rubbish - but an illness, and one that can be beaten
  • Know yourself, your attributes, stressors, how you thrive, and what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose, so you can know what a healthy and fulfilling life looks like for you, and
  • Implement the fight plan - there is no 'one-size-fits-all', we help you to recognise different ways you can fight depression and find the combination that works best for you.

We care. We get it. Because we've been there, and we don't want anybody to suffer alone. 

Inspirational boxing quote for people with depression featuring Mike Tyson
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Knock Out Depression programme testimonial
Knock Out Depression testimonial

We help you to understand, manage, and knock out depression

Inspirational boxing quote for people with depression featuring Mike Tyson

There is no 'magic pill' or one-size-fits-all solution

When seeking help, treatment options are often limited to antidepressants, and talking therapy which can often only be accessed after a long wait of months or more.

But what else can we do? 

That's where we come in. Knock Out Depression offers a comprehensive support programme that helps you to actually understand depression, and to find the combination of tools that work for you, so that you can get back to being you and start to smile and enjoy life again

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What you'll get when you join Knock Out Depression 

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Programme content

Inspirational boxing quote for people with depression featuring Larry Holmes
Inspirational boxing quote for people with depression featuring Larry Holmes
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Knock Out Depression programme testimonial
Knock Out Depression programme testimonial

We believe in you, and we will be your cornerman

Inspirational boxing quote for people with depression featuring Larry Holmes

We believe in you... 

We believe that you are stronger and more resilient than you think. Far from being weak, enduring depression demonstrates a strength most will never know.

We help you to understand, manage, and knock out depression. To know yourself and be yourself. To be happy again. 

To be YOU again.

We can help you move forward with new tools and strategies to manage life's challenges, and a new strength with which to face them - when you know you can knock out depression, you can do anything.

We know - from direct lived experience - that you can even use the experience to become a better you.

Life can be better than ever before.

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Join Knock Out Depression

There are two options for completing Knock Out Depression:

  • Self-help option - complete the online programme on your own, at your own pace
  • Trainer-supported option - complete the programme with the assistance of a Knock Out Depression trainer, who will support you to apply what you learn in a weekly group Zoom session (x6).

Knock Out Depression's creator - Matthew Williams

I've been there, I 'get it'... 

I'm Matthew, and I'm passionate about mental health having been knocked on my backside three times by depression. But I didn't stay down.

I used my experience to lead the development of England Boxing's Box In Mind awareness workshop, to write a book, and to feature in major national mental health campaigns for Time to Change. I also spent 18 months working for a local mental health charity before creating Knock Out Depression.

Boxing has been a lifelong passion since I was 10 years old, when watching Rocky 2 sparked an interest that has lasted for nearly 40 years. It was a dream come true for me to get a job working for the national governing body, England Boxing, in 2008, where I worked for 11 years. During my time I led the sport's coach education and club development programmes, and was the mental health lead for the sport.

Now, as founder and creator of Knock Out Depression, I specialise in creating and delivering mental health programmes for individuals, community boxing clubs and businesses. You can contact me at [email protected].

Matthew Williams of Knock Out Depression
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Organisations Matthew has worked with or been featured by, include:

Selection of logos of organisations that Matthew Williams has worked with